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A FAILED ACT # 1 (Fall series)


3.5 x 5 FEET


In the fall series the subject, the performer has been isolated from the fragment of the time. Here The act of falling; the fall is failure an interrogation of the creative process of failure and the vulnerability of man in the wake of nature’s power in which gravity becomes an unwitting collaborator. The aspect of falling contains most essential themes of human life that is vulnerability. The vulnerability of the artist awakens a process of empathy in the viewer. By definition, “fall” implies, to occur at certain time, to suffer ruin, defeat or failure. Interestingly it also means to pass suddenly into a state of body or mind, a new state of condition. There ́s waiting, suspension, the temporal and spatial shifts in the action, all of which give clues for meaning making. Moreover, there ́s the dimension of distance, from the physical and psychological aspect.

The static camera captures the performative gesture of the fall. The artist holding a rose in the hand and losing a flower in the frame narrates a visual poetry. The profound simplicity of the work is not for humor but to provoke a philosophical contemplation of the pivotal moment when all artistic control is lost and the force of gravity determines the outcome.

But perhaps, it is not the tension of holding, the moment of losing a grip nor the risks and painful collapsing to the ground surface – but the less dramatic and more invisible moment in between these – the letting go. The audience can only speculate, but what is revealed in the process, is an intimate portrait of an artist.

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